Everything you need to know about GECHEM:

Insights into our company


At GECHEM we have made it our mission to produce chemical-technical products in a way that is ecologically and socially as sustainable as possible. Why not find out now what exactly that means and what makes our company so special.

Finding out more about GECHEM

Standards and Certifications

Not only do we have all the important ISO certifications covering quality management, occupational health and safety management as well as environmental management, but we have also shown in numerous additional industry audits that we meet the highest standards.

About our certificates

Sustainability at GECHEM

We are convinced that the chemical industry needs to become sustainable. For this reason, our company has invested a great deal of money to make our processing and bottling procedures as sustainable as possible.

More about sustainability

Our history

We as a company are proud to look back on more than 160 years of history. Why not find out where we come from, what has shaped us and all the things that happened during that time. 

More about our history

Our GTC and guidelines

Clear rules are helpful: This not only applies to business relationships but also to our own conduct as a company. Since we have nothing to hide, we are happy to share these rules with you. 

More about GTCs and the CoC