voluntary work meets voluntary activities
gemeinsam begeistert! Jugendliche und Sponsoren – vielleicht auch bald Auszubildende und Ausbilder?

TOGETHER WE INSPIRE! Young people and sponsors – perhaps also trainees and trainers soon?

The “Ausbildungsverbund Leiningerland” invites jointly with the “Sportverein Obersülzen” to an event that combines two projects:


“11e, die helfe” – or donuts for donation
Voluntary bakers spend more than 1.000 german donuts for funding a new McArena and the


Exhibition of the “Ausbildungsverbund”
12 regional companies sponsor shirts for the juvenile soccerteam Obersülzen and try to be teamplayer, as well as instructors in professional education.

News Image

huge interest on both sides!


Trainees and trainers of Gechem GmbH & CO KG answer all questions concerning the training of the various professions offered at Gechem or partners.


It`s team play! No matter if you enter in production, IT , as electrician or as industrial clerk.


We offer internships in different departments or you start as a student. Come have a look!

More info to be found here: this way to GECHEM career


or with our partners in the Ausbildungsverbund: visit us here in Leiningerland

