Our support to prepare the Rhineland-Palatinate declaration of energy-intensive companies.

Together with more than 50 companies, chambers and associations, Daniela Schmitt – our Minister of Economic Affairs developed and published the Rhineland-Palatinate Declaration of Energy-Intensive Companies. Gechem and Dr. Spiess in Kleinkarlbach also signed the declaration

Earning money in the daily business in the field of the chemical industry with production of chemicals is effort enough and accompanied with many challenges– all of them we face at Gechem.

To save our economy in Rhineland-Palatinate we request and address to our politicians to design framework conditions that enable enterprises to keep pace with global markets – despite growing requirements in sustainability e.g., with reduction of THG, rising cost for energy and the geopolitical changes going on. We keep going!


You can read more about this on the website of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture.


The entire declaration can be downloaded here as a PDF.

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